22/05/2024 08:30 - 16:30

Proponent: Leone M.

Chair: Leone M.

Speaker: Arkaprava C., Buck N., Callizo-Romero C., Clarkson J., Costa P., Galvagni L., Graffeo A., Hall-Wilton R., Hejazi S., Leone M., Mariotti G., Montes S., Neiva L., Raehme B., Ritzema J., Salerno R., Swayam B., Taneja L., Tashchenko A., Thein-Lemelson S., Tonelli D., Viidalepp A.

Based on the Bruno Kessler Foundation's 2024 research theme, "(Dis)Enchantment in Religion and Ethics", the panel invites to a transdisciplinary engagement with the idea, the concept, the phenomenology, and the semiotics of awe, meant as a complex emotion that is typically characterized by a mixture of reverence, respect, and wonder. It is often experienced in response to something perceived as vast, overwhelming, or extraordinary, and can be triggered by natural phenomena, artistic or scientific achievements, or acts of great skill or virtuosity. Awe can lead to a feeling of being small or insignificant in the face of something much larger or more powerful, yet this feeling is often coupled with a sense of connection or unity with something greater than oneself. This emotion can have profound psychological effects, such as shifting one's perspective, increasing openness to new experiences, and fostering a sense of connection with others and the world. But awe can also trigger overwhelm and disorientation, fear and anxiety, a decreased sense of self, manipulation and control, unrealistic expectations and disappointment, inaction or passivity, and even alienation. The panel particularly welcomes papers on awe-inspiring new technologies, such as generative AI, immersive realities, humanoid robots, and the like.

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Surrender and the Experience of Awe

Swayam B.

Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University, USA
Awesome! Give me that (B)Old Time Religion.

Graffeo A.

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
On Computational Awe

Leone M.

Bruno Kessler Foundation
Ancient Gods in Transmedia Narratives: From Awe to Agency

Tashchenko A.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine / University of Bordeaux, France
The Colors of the Souls: The Immersive Experience As a New Awareness

Tonelli D.

Bruno Kessler Foundation, Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo di Roma