PANEL: Controversy and Perception: Jews and Christians Amidst Dialogue and Dispute
22/05/2024 08:30 - 16:30

Proponent: Benfatto M.

Chair: Benfatto M., Cimino A.

Speaker: Benfatto M., Britti S., Caruso F., Cimino A., Dal Bo F., Dziaczkowska M., Elukin J., Facchini C., Frischeisen A., Kandel S., Klein B., Lasker D., Lazin F., Merutiu M., Mirones Lozano E., Pepoli M., Polyakov E., Sawczynski P., Testa F., Toulis P.

Jewish-Christian interaction has existed since the inception of Christianity. Jews and Christians encountered and responded to one another over the centuries in a variety of contexts and fashions. These encounters had a significant impact on the experiences and cultures of both the Jewish and the Christian communities.
This panel aims to explore the diverse cultural, religious, and social dynamics that have shaped the Jewish experience and its cross-cultural connections within the Christian world, and vice versa. Specifically, it will focus on the disputes and perceptions that have characterized the interactions between these communities, whether through polemics and controversy or dialogues.
The goal of this panel is to delve into the intricate interplay between Judaism and Christianity, examining their views towards each other and attempting to identify cases where there have been paradigm shifts across a wide range of historical eras and various methodological approaches. The aim of this panel is to delve into how these religious systems interacted with and responded to their proximity from the early period onwards.
The panel accepts topics on the following themes: Jewish-Christian relations, Jewish anti-Christian polemic, Christian anti-Jewish polemic, Christian perceptions of Jews and Judaism, Jewish perceptions of Christians and Christianity, and related topics without limitation of historical period.

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