SESSION: Clinical viva-voce
22/09/2022 14:00 - 16:00

Academy Lead: Lewis D.

Co-convenor: Burdess A., Gratl A.

Small groups rotate around 4 clinical stations covering the topics of limb ischaemia and trauma, aortic and mesenteric disease, carotid and upper limb disease and venous disease and thrombosis. At each station each participant will be asked to manage a clinical scenario for 5 minutes under simulated exam conditions whilst the other members of the group observe. At each station 3 participants from each group will undergo viva voce practice. Over the 4 virtual stations it is expected that all participants with have experienced exam practice on at least 2 topics. Timings must be strictly adhered to.

Learning Objectives:
The overarching objective of this course is to prepare candidates for some of the different parts of the FEBVS examination. This part of the course prepares candidates for the viva voce section of the examination. On completion of this section of the course, as well as assimilating knowledge of lower limb, carotid, aortic and venous conditions, candidates will have a high level of understanding of how to approach answering clinical oral exam questions in an ordered, organized and logical way. On completion of the course the candidate will have improved their chance of passing the FEBVS examination.   

