SESSION: Optimising medical treatment of patients with PAD
22/09/2022 10:30 - 13:00

Academy Lead: Jongkind V.

Co-convenor: Jongkind V.

Good medical treatment lowers the risk of amputation, myocardial infarction, and stroke in your patients with PAD. Latest reports however show that the majority of patients do not receive best medical treatment. In an interactive case-based discussion the evidence from the latest trials will be put into perspective. Focus will lie on clinical decision-making for the treatment of patients with PAD with and without revascularisation. Expert faculty and participants will share their experiences and provide practical considerations for best practice in your own hospital and practice.

Learning Objectives:
Learn the pro's and con's of new patient management approaches in patients requiring intervention for PAD.
How can you improve the prognosis of your patient with optimal conservative treatment?
Focus on practical use of contemporary vascular protection strategies to reduce the risk of limb and cardiovascular events.

