SESSION: EVAR step by step
21/09/2022 08:00 - 10:00

Academy Lead: Rancic Z.

Co-convenor: Aho P., D'Oria M.

This workshop is a practical hands-on workshop with two EVAR stent grafts that will allow the participants to select the appropriate endovascular tools for standard EVAR of an infrarenal AAA, to learn the various steps of EVAR, be able to deploy the abdominal stent-grafts and have a back-up plan should challenges arise. Participants will be at WS application express in which group want to be on the first come first serve basis.

Learning Objectives:
•   Endovascular toolkit EVAR for infrarenal AAA
•   Learn the procedural steps of EVAR according to IFU
•   Delivery and deployment of abdominal stent-grafts
•   Overcome possible challenges (ancillary components)


Target group:
(Interventional) Radiologist
Vascular Trainees