SESSION: Endovenous Treatment of Varicose Veins by thermal techniques
21/09/2022 16:30 - 18:30


The workshop is designed to discuss the minimally invasive treatment of venous insufficiency by thermal techniques - laser and radiofrequency. Hands-on stations will give the participants possibility to get familiar with and prepare all the equipment to be ready to use and also simulate the procedure. A special role tumescence anesthesia will be highlighted.
Some crucial tips and tricks and economic principles of the treatment will be presented.
Furthermore, in small groups of participants interesting cases will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:
•   accurate treatment planning
•   selection of the patients
•   conducting the procedure



Academy Lead: Zielinski A.

Lead convenor: Hipola J.

Co-convenor: Stanisic M., Pelak T., Dragic P.