SESSION: Endovascular treatment NON-COMPLEX lesions in fem-pop artery
21/09/2022 16:30 - 18:30


During this 2-hour basic interactive workshop (WS) the convenor will, supported by case examples, provide a broad overview how to manage in a stepwise, structured approach non-complex femoropopliteal atheroscerlotic lesions based on current clinical evidence (access, lesion crossing, preparation and treatment). Participants will be able to experience different endovascular products.

Learning Objectives:
•   Recall basic toolkit required for endovascular treatment of a non-complex femoropopliteal lesion
•   Recall the steps during treatment of a non-complex femoropopliteal lesion
•   To plan endovascular treatment of a non-complex femoropopliteal lesion



Trainees ideally should have attended the following ESVS workshops: the Endovascular Toolkit for PAD Basic and Safe navigation in the arterial tree or at least have obtained these basic endovascular skills.

Academy Lead: Koncar I.

Lead convenor: Bosiers M.

Co-convenor: Fazini S., Budtz-Lilly J.