SESSION: Treatment of Pelvic Venous Disorders - embolization or stenting: when and how
21/09/2022 14:00 - 16:00


This workshop is dedicated to the endovascular management of patients suffering from Pelvic Venous Disorder [PeVD].
During this 2-hrs interactive workshop session, participants will be able to discuss the pathogenesis, how to diagnose PeVD based on imaging technologies and the new classification, when and how to treat these patients. They learn to choose the optimal treatment option, optimal access route, to explain the principles of coil embolization and use of liquids for blood flow modification. Furthermore additional important pathologies as MTS and Nutcracker syndrome and patients referral pathway will be addressed and discussed.

Learning Outcomes:
•   Recall PeVD relevant anatomy based on case examples
•   List diagnostic tools and decision-making criteria - new classification and new nomenclature
•   Know about the pathophysiology theories; reflux and compression.
•   Name treatment options (focus on endovascular techniques (coils, liquids, stenting and Foam therapy)

Level: Moderate

Pre-Learning: Yes
•   Know about complications and their management

Academy Lead: Zielinski A.

Lead convenor: Jalaie H.

Co-convenor: Barbati M., Van Rijn M.J., Dumantepe M., Rodrigues Morata A.