SESSION: Which, when and if any? Questions and answers about medical treatment of chronic venous disease
21/09/2022 10:30 - 13:00


The workshop is designed to clarify the role of medical treatment of CVD. The place of the tablets is often not clearly understood, so world renowned experts will present their experience in this filed. The workshop will not be a lecture. After a short presentation of some principles, the small groups of participants will be directed to learning stations where each tutor will show his cases to bse discussed. He will also present questions asked by real patients about the drugs and give directions how to answer them.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
1.   Adjust their medical treatment to the specific patient
2.   Know the differences between the groups of the drugs
3.   Answer the questions usually asked by patients about the utility of the drugs



Academy Lead: Zielinski A.

Lead convenor: Jawien A.

Co-convenor: Gianesini S., Hipola J., Jalaie H.