SESSION: Endovascular toolkit PAD (ADVANCED)
21/09/2022 10:30 - 13:00


Residents and consultants are often daunted by the wide array of endovascular kit required to perform complex endovascular procedures. This workshop aims to introduce candidates to the wide range of endovascular tools (incl. wires, balloons, stents, supportive catheters, reentry systems …) required for complex peripheral interventions and familiarize them in a friendly, hands-on environment, with the opportunity to ask any question about endovascular tools to the expert faculty. Access options (antegrade, up and over, tibial), guidewires, balloons, support catheters as well as the use of bail out strategies (re-entry) and catheters will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:
Become familia with Advanced endovascular toolkit kit needed to be able to treat complex PAD (iliac, fem-popliteal)



Academy Lead: Koncar I.

Lead convenor: Twine C.

Co-convenor: Yeung K.K., Bosiers M.

Patel A.