SESSION: Open AAA basic 1
21/09/2022 08:00 - 10:00


Open repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is one of the key procedures any vascular surgeons should master. During this hands-on workshop participants will be able to train this essential procedure themselves on high quality models. Expert faculty will guide you and will give you tips and tricks to improve your open vascular surgery skills. If you are preparing for the FEBVS exam, this WS might be a good preparation.

Learning Objectives:
Infra- and suprarenal clamp placement
End-to-end infrarenal aortic anastomosis
Performing open AAA repair yourself
Assisting in open AAA repair



Co-convenor: Nassef A., Eiberg J., Iborra E., Rohlffs F., Jongkind V.

Academy Lead: Rancic Z.

Lead convenor: Berard X.