PANEL: Keynote Lecture: The Anthropological Turn of Religion - On the Paradigm Shift in the Theoretical Function of Transcendence in Secularized Modernity
22/05/2024 17:30 - 18:30

Adhering to religion in secularized modernity does not imply a regression to pre-modernity.
Rather, religion must be incorporated into the paradigm shift that signifies the departure from
traditional substance metaphysics or ontology, a shift that Habermas refers to as the post-metaphysical age. Such adherence to religion does not forsake the achievements of secularization; instead, it obliges religion to adopt a new soberness and clarity, one that expresses the Enlightenment's idea of ""man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity""(Immanuel Kant) and serves as a testament to humanity's freedom and capacity for reason. The guarantor of religion's significance lies in its function of recalling and representing humanity's transcendental reference. However, this function is itself entangled in the paradigm shift of the anthropological turn of religion. The article explores how this function can demonstrate and prove its normative shape and role in the establishment of a concept of
religion in modernity.