PANEL: Hadith: History, Criticism and Analysis of the Texts
23/05/2024 10:30 - 12:45

Proponent: Budelli R.

Chair: Budelli R., Cuciniello A.

Speaker: Abaddi I., Budelli R., Cuciniello A., El Ganadi A., Vigliermo R.

The hadith literature includes numerous works whose number goes far beyond the six canonical collections. This is an important documentation with several implications from a historical, religious, linguistic and hermeneutic point of view. The purpose of the panel is to analyze some aspects of this material in the light of a historical-critical approach and new research carried on through the tools of computer programs and
artificial intelligence. The interventions range from hadith examined as documents in relation to the biography of the Prophet and in comparison with other sources (Andreas Goerke); the study of the transmitters in 'ilm al-rijal, taragum and ?abaqat (bio-bibliographical repertories) from an onomastic perspective, in the light of AI and librarianship fields (Riccardo Vigliermo); the treatment of some prophetic figures in hadith literature (The Prophet Job, Antonio Cuciniello); the analysis of some hadith in the Kitab al-sama' by al-Qaysarani (Rosanna Budelli); AI and hadith analysis in the ?a?i? al-Bu?ari (Amina El Ganadi); the study of hadith on the end of times (eschatology) in the al-Nasa'i collection (Ibrahim Abaddi).