PANEL: Islamic institutions, practices and beliefs: views from Eastern Europe and Central Eurasia
23/05/2024 10:30 - 15:00

Proponent: Carluccio A.

Chair: Amato A., Carluccio A.

Speaker: Carluccio A., Goyushov A., Muratova E., Račius E., Rajola Pescarini A., Yarosh O.

Islam is the main religion in Central Eurasia and its presence and influence is growing in Eastern Europe as well. Islamic studies have often been criticized for being Arabic-centric, whereas Islamicate encompasses a much wider part of the map beyond the Arabic- and Persian-speaking countries. This panel aims to explore Islamic reality in peripheral areas of the Islamic world such as Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, where since modern times one of the main languages of interethnic communication has not been Arabic, but Russian. Proposals on institutions, practices and beliefs related to Islam in different historical periods in the study area are welcome.