PANEL: Paradigm shifts in law and religion through the changes in legislation, case law, and interpretation in the Mediterranean region
21/05/2024 14:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Ivaldi M.C.

Chair: D'Arienzo M., Mazzola R.

Speaker: Bottoni R., D'Arienzo M., Ivaldi M.C., Maghioros N., Martinelli E., Mazzola R., Tigano M.

Law is an area of knowledge that is always highly influenced by the social and political transformations that characterize the modern multicultural societies, which are put pressure on by conflicting and divergent instances.
Indeed, law and religion is one discipline that is especially suited to report the tensions and the attempts at accommodation and consequently at changes.
The panel aims to investigate some of the paradigm shifts which affect the most sensitive areas (family, school, sports, the treatment of religious minorities) or which more broadly concern the very same attitude of the state towards the religious factor to the point of potentially affecting the same democratic framework.