PANEL: Religious Diversity in Europe: Young People and Learning with History
21/05/2024 14:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Maiden J.

Chair: Wolffe J.

Speaker: Altnurme R., Maiden J., Pasture P., Wolffe J.

This panel presents the paradigm changing results of the Horizon 2020-funded project Religious Toleration and Peace (RETOPEA) and its applied 'learning with history' approach to engaging young people with historical and contemporary religious diversity. In 'Learning with history: How to create a meaningful dialogue between history and the present', Patrick Pasture explores some ways to make history meaningful for the present, discussing examples from European history, considered in a broad perspective and including its Islamic past. In 'Between mobilization and a dialogue of the deaf?', Riho Altnurme presents research on contemporary representations of religious diversity. Information affecting young people's perceptions reaches them more and more through various applications of newer media, and there you can find a historical narrative with which historians must engage. In paper 3, 'Learning with history: new practices', John Maiden, Stefanie Sinclair and John Wolffe present RETOPEA's pedagogical approach to challenging the 'presentism' of young people. Specifically, this involves engaging them with accessible and curated primary sources and making 'Docutubes' which creatively bring together past, present, and the young peoples' personal experiences of religious diversity.