PANEL: Law, religions, and the digital sphere. A shifting paradigm in the history of human evolution?
23/05/2024 10:30 - 12:45

Proponent: Sorvillo F.

Chair: Sorvillo F.

Speaker: Abu Salem M., Caporrino V., Fuccillo A., Gravino F., Palumbo P., Saporito L., Sorvillo F.

Digital revolution and artificial intelligence are epoch-making innovations capable of changing human history. New technologies have become an extension of the mind, they intersect with the real world and influence people's lives.
These innovations carry the serious risk of technological development disconnected from respect for human dignity and fundamental rights.
To understand how disruptive the problems could be, it is suffice to note that in the near future researchers predict that there will be an extension of life far beyond its normal physiological limit.
All these predictions undermines the foundations of religions by upsetting the representations of man, life and death that they have developed throughout history, or those of certain dogmas of faith such as the existence of a God or the afterlife after death. 
These technologies are reshaping the places of politics, breaking down boundaries and offering people unprecedented possibilities for knowledge and participation.
This makes a paradigm shift necessary.
Indeed, a digital universe without rules can be dominated not only by "angels" but also by "demons". For this reason, religious laws, which impose rules on their adherents, provide an extraordinary opportunity for effective good governance of the web and artificial intelligence, while promoting effective religious freedom even in the domain of the present digital revolution.

The digital Paradise

Fuccillo A.

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli