PANEL: Legal notes on the margins of a new era for places of worship 4.0
20/05/2024 14:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Botti F.

Chair: Botti F.

Speaker: Botti F., Dimodugno D., Fabbri A., Tarabiono G.F.

Buildings of worship in the new millennium: state-of-the-art and possible developments for an inclusive society."
Panel abstract: "Buildings of worship are the symbol par excellence of the rooting of a religious faith in the territory and their presence significantly attests to identity, not only religious, but also more widely cultural, of the persons and religious confessions representing them. Thanks to the study of the legislation on buildings of worship it is possible not only to have a mapping of the different religious options present in a country, but also to identify the orientation that the individual State adopts towards the religious phenomenon. Experiences such as those in Italy and France in the field of buildings of worship help to understand how the different forms of secularism offer increasingly complete solutions that are attentive to the needs of the intercultural society in which we live.
In these terms, thinking of increasingly multifunctional buildings of worship, especially in "non-places" (Augé 2009) and the reuse or a different use of existing ones, appears to be a compulsory road in the light of the two guidelines of the European Union of "zero land consumption" and spending review that requires an organizational and managerial rethinking of existing institutions (Worship Buildings Fund's -FEC). The research group intends to deepen these aspects and reflect on the role and potential of religious buildings to create an inclusive society.