PANEL: Faith and sport - a transformative concept
20/05/2024 15:30 - 16:30

Proponent: Awan K.

Chair: Awan K.

Speaker: Awan K., Ledegen S., Warraich S.

This panel examines the powerful synergy of faith and sport, a transformative concept with the potential for significant positive impact worldwide. Focusing on inclusivity in sports, especially for faith communities across Europe, the discussion highlights partnerships with national and international sporting bodies to extend recreational activities to faith institutions.

The intersection of faith and sport serves as a dynamic force, bridging gaps between diverse communities, cultures, and backgrounds. This initiative aligns with the United Nations #SPORT2030 agenda and the EU's emphasis on sports development for community cohesion and social inclusion.

The panel delves into multifaceted work in football, cricket, and athletics, showcasing how sports act as a catalyst for lasting change within faith communities.

Football: The panel will discuss collaborative efforts with national football associations, offering recreational football services and empowering women in faith communities. Beyond play, it will delve into coaching opportunities and increased facility access as instruments for fostering unity.

Cricket: It will explore partnerships with national and international bodies, delivering recreational cricket programs to faith communities in the UK and Europe.


Warraich S. [1] , Ledegen S. [2] , Awan K. [2]

Faith Associates [1] , Enhancing Faith Institutions [2]