PANEL: Permeable Orthodoxies: Shifting Paradigms in Labelling Heterodoxy
21/05/2024 08:30 - 10:45

Proponent: Marino D., Winterberg A.A.

Chair: Marino D., Winterberg A.A.

Speaker: Castella-Martinez S., Conway G., Marino D., Reith M., Winterberg A.A.

In a world increasingly characterized by religious fragmentation, the pursuit of orthodoxy (as well as its related dynamic, the exclusion of heterodoxy) becomes a complex and intriguing endeavour. This panel delves into the intricate dynamics of how societies grapple with concepts of orthodoxies, often in the face of ideas perceived as heterodox.

This panel brings together scholars from various disciplines to explore the multifaceted dimensions of orthodoxy, investigating the processes of labelling, contestation, and negotiation surrounding heterodoxy in various religious and political contexts.

In particular, the panel will examine both historical and contemporary instances where political entities or religious organizations have actively engaged in discursive and governmental efforts to define and preserve orthodoxy. Topics covered include the role of religious and political actors in shaping orthodox narratives and the evolving nature of orthodoxy/heterodoxy in response to political needs. Through a comparative lens, the panel aims to unravel the ways in which societies navigate the tension between preserving "orthodox traditions" and defining "heterodoxy/heresy".

The discussion will address this never-ending negotiation and the power dynamics inherent in the labelling of heterodoxy, questioning who has the authority to define and enforce orthodox norms, and the strategies of 'heterodoxization' employed by those who hold the power of 'orthodoxy'.