PANEL: Translations of the Qur'an
20/05/2024 09:45 - 13:15

Proponent: Badini F., Wilson B.

Chair: Badini F., Wilson B.

Speaker: Ataeva G., Badini F., Ghasemi E., Vigliermo R., Wilson B.

The translations of the Qur'an "might be understood as a process whose end result replaces the original text and assumes, for the reader, all of its functions, thereby making it unnecessary to engage with the original" (Pink, 2022). Translating the Qur'an inevitably involves an exegetical activity that most often requires the use of tafsirs. Different specific terminology, rhetorical structures, and even possible errors could reflect particular ideological approaches that are largely conveyed by either the translator or the one who commissioned the translation of the sacred text.
The organizers of the panel "Translations of the Qur'an" invite proposals for papers that investigate this topic and analyze the sources from a historical, exegetical, socio-political and linguistic perspective, within any chronological, geographical or linguistic limits.
The organizers encourage proposals that actively explore the social and practical aspects of the Qur'an, to investigate how and why Muslims viewed translations as vital for coping with the circumstances in which they lived