PANEL: Southern Italy as a spatial paradigm for the analysis of Muslim communities
20/05/2024 09:45 - 12:00

Proponent: De Angelo C.

Chair: De Angelo C., Di Donato M.

Speaker: Cascino C.A., De Angelo C., Di Donato M., Di Mauro N., Senatore S.

"Contemporary Islam in the West is a compelling field of research for various disciplines and approaches. In the Italian context, social sciences have mostly investigated Muslim communities settled in the North. However, as Muslim communities in the south of Italy are relatively smaller and more mobile, and as Italian universities tend to fund more research projects in the north, contemporary Islam in the south of Italy has not received much academic attention. The aim of this panel is to examine how a changing context such as southern Italy is leading to new religious experiences and organisations for Muslim communities, drawing on reflections on the production of space and space as a subject in combined and uneven relations (Lefebvre 1991, Foucault 1978). The panel will examine how Muslim communities adapt religious experience and organisation to greater mobility and precarity, considering the theoretical framework of Global Islam (Cesari 2008, Green 2020).

Cesari, Jocelyne. 2008. "Islam in the West: From Immigration to Global Islam". Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, 8: 148-175.
Green, Nile. 2020. Global Islam: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
Foucault, Michel. 1978 (2019). La volontà di sapere. Storia della sessualità 1. Milano: Feltrinelli.
Lefebvre, Henri. 1991. The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell."

Muslim Neverland in Contemporary Naples

Di Mauro N.

University of Naples L'Orientale / John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University of Chicago