PANEL: The Renaissance Papacy's Projects of Religious Reform between Early Christianity and "Catholic Orientalism": New Approaches to the Study of a Key Moment in the Genesis of Modernity
21/05/2024 12:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Annese A., Facchini C., Gerace A.

Chair: Annese A.

Speaker: Annese A., Bartolucci G., Facchini C., Gerace A., Kouremenos N., Lauria V.

The panel addresses the topic "Paradigm Shift" in a twofold way, a) by focusing on a crucial historical period,
i.e. the years 1431-1549, when changes in politics, society, and religion took place, and b) by investigating
such period from a new perspective. Within the framework of a research project aimed at a systematic
reconstruction of the ideology of the Roman papacy in that period (PRIN 2022 - 2022BXT33X, funded by the
EU - Next Generation EU), the panelists take the Renaissance, pre- Tridentine Roman Church as an institution
promoting an ambivalent and complex project of religious reform, where the ideal of the affirmation of a new
political power, nourished by classical and Roman cultural models, coexists - in dialectic tension - with the
attempt to absorb and channel claims for the spiritual renewal of the Church, based on Biblical and
apocalyptic motifs.
In line with the activity of the Bologna Research Unit of the PRIN project, this panel explores 1) the influence
of texts and motifs from early Christianity on the literature produced in the years 1431- 1549 (e.g., the use of
Patristic heresiological categories during the confessional debates; the reception of Biblical motifs in the
ideology of reform); 2) the rise of the so-called "Catholic orientalism" in Renaissance Rome (biblical
scholarship, interpretation of Hebrew texts, Christian Kabbalah), which influenced the conceptualization of
different types of Christianity.