PANEL: Young people's values, beliefs and expectations regarding religion
21/05/2024 08:30 - 10:45

Proponent: Bellido G.

Speaker: Bellido G., Diaz Dorronsono J.M., González Gaitano N., Sadaba M.R., Sanders K.

Chair: Bellido G.

The objective of this panel is to present the first results obtained in an international survey of young people (aged 18-29) from eight different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Philippines and Kenya. Special emphasis will be placed on the results obtained in European countries, as the congress is organized by the European Academy of Religion.
The survey is carried out as a part of a wider project which combines quantitative methodology (an international survey) with qualitative methodology (national focus groups) which aims to listen to young people's expectations of and beliefs about religion. In the panel we will focus exclusively on the results obtained in the survey, since the focus groups will be developed later.
The data show the views of young people in these countries on topics such as conscience, the existence of sin, admiration or not for those who live according to their values, belief in God, the practice of prayer or whether having religious beliefs makes it easier to deal with suffering or death. 
The panel speakers will present the origin and purpose of the research project, the philosophy behind the survey of young people and their religious values, the overall results of the survey and the results in Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The panel participants are members of the group of researchers carrying out the project "Footprints: A Study of Young People's Beliefs, Ideals, and Expectations"