PANEL: Author Meets critique: Etica islamica contemporanea, Ignazio de Francesco (Carocci, 2024)
22/05/2024 08:30 - 09:30

Proponent: Cadeddu F.

Chair: Cadeddu F.

Speaker: Cadeddu F., De Francesco I., Kheit A., Welle J.

The need to teach believers in Islam "how to do what," in all spheres of life, runs through the history of Islamic societies from its beginnings, but is now experiencing an unprecedented critical phase. In the face of the increasing amount of monographic studies, the book offers an overview and is aimed not only at specialists but also at anyone interested, by profession or otherwise, in better understanding Islam. As pointed out in the preface, "in the Italian panorama there is still no similar study capable of restoring the range of discussions on the ethical, religious and legal nodes that run through the contemporary Islamic universe." Starting from the theological and legal premises of the human act, the volume proceeds by dealing with the etiquette of relations with God, angels, the Quran and the Prophet. This is followed by family, sexual, medical, economic and environmental ethics, the relationship with non-Muslims, and the transmission of Islam to the young.