PANEL: Urban Religion and Cultural Heritage: Reassembling History and Plural Memory
20/05/2024 08:30 - 12:00

Proponent: Federici A., Giorda M.C.

Chair: Federici A., Giorda M.C.

Speaker: Bossi L., De Paolis I., Fabretti V., Federici A., Giorda M.C., Gruet B., Nardella C., Omenetto S., Pignotti C.

In Europe, history and memories related to religious heritage have been regulated and studied almost exclusively in reference to Catholicism. However, in an increasingly multicultural and multireligious landscape, we believe there is a glaring knowledge gap around the role of non-Catholic religious heritage in the creation of a public cultural memory and history.
In this session, we bring together spatial and material approaches to religion on the one hand - e.g. religious architectures and their symbolic value and strategies of religious place - and memory studies on the other - space and materiality are considered media products in the construction of cultural and public memory.
In order to consider new theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as specific cases of non-Catholic religious heritage study, we propose (non-exclusively) to examine the political role of divisive memories in the conflicts over specific shared religious spaces, to explore the role of religious minorities in the construction of plural memories.

Assmann A., 2011. Cultural Memory and Western Civilization. Cambridge Uni. Press.
Burchardt M., 2023. 'Infrastructuring Religion: Materiality and Meaning in Ordinary Urbanism'. Space and Culture, 26(2), pp. 180-191.
Houdek M., Phillips K., 2017. 'Public Memory'. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
Knott K., 2005. The Location of Religion. Equinox.
Nora P., 1992. Les Lieux de Mémoire. Gallimard.