PANEL: Conspiracy Theories and Hate Speech Against and Within Religions in European History
23/05/2024 14:00 - 17:30

Proponent: Cristofori S.

Chair: Cadeddu F.

Speaker: Cadeddu F., Cristofori S., El Ganadi A., Napolitano M.

The panel presents some of the midterm findings of the European Union-funded Jean Monnet FreeBeRI (Freedom of Belief and Right to Information), which combines research, teaching, and third-mission actions on the connection between freedom of religion and freedom of information. Furthermore, FreeBeRI promotes the critical tools of "the historian's craft" for recognizing, understanding, and fighting conspiracy theories.

In particular, the panel focuses on conspiracy theories formulated against and/or within religions that, by feeding hate speeches, severely threaten democratic processes in Europe and beyond.

The papers presented in this panel cover the following list of topics:

conspiracy theories, religions, and hate speech;

hate speech and conspiracy theories against and within religions in European history;

historical connections and discontinuities between "old" and new conspiracy theories propagated through digital communication and social media;

historical-critical method as a weapon against conspiracy theories and hate speech;

conspiracy theories as a severe threat to EU democratic processes;

EU policies against misinformation and disinformation as severe threats to freedom of information and/or religion;

EU international relations and post-truth politics.