PANEL: Religion in Transition: Reconsidering the Religious Factor in Third Wave Transitions to Democracy
21/05/2024 08:30 - 13:15

Proponent: De Giuseppe M., De La Cueva Merino J.

Chair: De Giuseppe M., De La Cueva Merino J., Núñez-Bargueño N.

Speaker: Almeida J.M., De Giuseppe M., De La Cueva Merino J., Douska E., Garcìa Martin V., Gheda P., González A., González I., Núñez-Bargueño N., Recio Huetos J., Schelotto M.

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the third wave of democratization in the world, according to the model proposed by Samuel Huntington in 1991. In 1974, Portugal and Greece embarked on their democratization processes. From Southern Europe, this wave of democratization extended its reach globally, assuming particular significance in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe (although also in some Asian and African countries).
Huntington's interpretative model implied a pivotal paradigm shift in the study of transitions to democracy. Notably, his framework acknowledged the importance of the religious factor in shaping political change. However, the interplay between religious and political transformations, as well as the roles played by religious actors in democratization processes, remains insufficiently explored.
This panel proposes a reconsideration of the impact of the religious factor on transitions to democracy in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and welcomes contributions on topics related to the connection between religion/s and democratization during this significant period.


Research project "Religión en transición. El factor religioso en la construcción de la democracia española" (PID2022-139462NB-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe,
Asociación Española de Historia Religiosa Contemporánea (AEHRC)