PANEL: Mediatization of religion in post-Communist countries: paradigm shifts
23/05/2024 10:30 - 11:30

Proponent: Khroul V.

Chair: Khroul V.

Speaker: Khroul V., Rončáková T.

The mediatization of religion in post-Communist countries refers to the ways in which religion interacts with and is influenced by the media after the fall of Communist regimes. This interplay reflects a complex and multifaceted relationship between religion and media in the post-Communist context.
Key aspects (open to other ideas widening the subject):
1.      Religious Revival and Visibility. The end of Communist rule often led to a revival of religious practices that were suppressed or restricted during the Communist era triggered the increased visibility of religious practices and institutions in the media.
2.      Media as a Platform for Religious Expression. Religious groups and individuals increasingly use media platforms (TV, radio, internet, social media) to express their beliefs, share information, and connect with their communities.
3.      Pluralism and Diversity in Religious Representation. The breakdown of state-controlled media allows for a more diverse representation of religious beliefs and practices.
4.      Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding. Increased media exposure allows for greater interfaith dialogue and understanding as different religious perspectives are presented and discussed in media.
5.      Challenges to Secularism. Discussions around religion in the media can lead to debates about the role of religion in public life, challenging the previous emphasis on atheism and secularism.