PANEL: Engaging religious heritage in higher education: opportunities and challenges for pluralisation of knowledge and praxis
22/05/2024 14:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Baker J., Tadros M.

Chair: Baker J., Hammoudi R., Tadros M.

Speaker: Abdulkhaliq Z., Adris S., Baker J., Hammoudi R., Khedr W., Mahdi J., Tadros M., Toma S.

Popular religion and heritage can overlap significantly, creating a space for academics to teach lived religion in people's lives in highly innovative ways. This panel shares and critically reflects on the experiences of faculty from six different disciplines (development studies, sociology, linguistics, Arabic studies, translation, digital archiving) in engaging with religious heritage at the University of Duhok (UoD) in Iraq, the Institute of Development Studies, UK & the University of Southampton (UoS). Panellists from UoD share their experiences of using unconventional methods of pedagogy in learning, mediating and sharing religious heritage of (in alphabetical order): the Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Kakais, Sabean-Mandeans, Shabak, Syriacs, Turkmen and Yazidis.  Panellists from IDS and UoS  discuss the application of participatory methodologies in the generation and safeguarding of communities' religious heritage. The panel will also discuss challenges in ensuring multivocality, recognition and inclusive representation in and outside the classroom.