PANEL: AI and the Future of Religious Studies
20/05/2024 11:00 - 13:15

Proponent: El Abdaoui K.

Chair: El Abdaoui K.

Speaker: El Abdaoui K., Kam H., Karagedik U., Kurnaz S.

This panel delves into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the field of religious studies. AI technologies are poised to revolutionize how we study, understand, and practice religion. We explore AI's potential in five key areas:
a)      AI-Enhanced Research: AI tools can analyze vast religious texts, aiding scholars in uncovering hidden insights and connections.
b)      Interfaith Dialogue: AI-powered language models promote cross-cultural and interfaith understanding through accurate translations.
c)      Ethical Dilemmas: Discuss the moral implications of AI in spiritual contexts, including automated counseling and text generation.
d)      Ritual Evolution: Explore AI's role in reshaping religious rituals, from virtual pilgrimages to AI religious assistants.
e)      Theological Considerations: Analyze how AI challenges concepts of human spirituality and consciousness.
Experts from religious studies, theology, AI ethics, and tech development converge to examine AI's potential benefits and challenges, shaping the future of religious scholarship and practice