PANEL: Exploring Transnational Religion: Dynamics, Intersections, and Knowledge Production between the Global North and South
23/05/2024 10:30 - 12:45

Proponent: Bertelli D., Orrego Torres E.

Chair: Núñez-Bargueño N.

Speaker: Bandini C., Bell C., Bertelli D., Núñez-Bargueño N., Orrego Torres E.

In today's interconnected world, the concept of transnational religion has gained prominence, reflecting how religious beliefs and spiritualities, activism, practices, and identities traverse borders, affecting change both at the individual and the community levels. This panel seeks to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of transnational religion, examining its various aspects, influences, and implications in the contemporary global context with a focus on the knowledge production between the Global North and the Global South. We welcome theoretical papers, ethnographies, case studies, and other relevant contributions that interrogate the multifaceted nature of transnational religion. Submissions should explore actors, spaces, levels, and temporalities in the relationship between the Global North and the Global South within the context of transnational religion.

We encourage contributors to explore transnational religious concerns, including but not limited to the following:
-Transnational LGBTQ+ activism within religious and non-religious contexts.
-The role of transnational religious networks in shaping global politics.
-Impact of technology and media on transnational religious connectivity.
-Interfaith dialogue and its significance in transcultural and transnational contexts.
-Examination of international solidarity within transnational religious organizations.
-Exploring gender dynamics and power structures within the realm of transnational religion.