PANEL: The Council of Nicaea, Synodality, and the Prospect of Orthodox-Catholic Unity
22/05/2024 12:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Gavrilyuk P.

Chair: Destivelle H., Gavrilyuk P.

Speaker: Destivelle H., Gavrilyuk P., Hovorun C., Kim Y.R., Miltos A.

The purpose of the panel is to discuss the legacy of the Council of Nicaea (325) as a basis for Christian unity. The panel will feature select presentations from the speakers invited to the conference "Nicaea and the Church of the Third Millennium: Towards Orthodox-Catholic Unity," to be held at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and co-organized by the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) and the Institute for the Ecumenical Studies in Rome (June 2025). The panel will feature papers from four scholars: Paul Gavrilyuk will introduce the panel and speak about Nicaea's implications for Orthodox-Catholic unity; Cyril Hovorun (Sweden/ Ukraine) will shed new light on the Filioque Controversy, construing it as a clash of Byzantine and Latin exegetical approaches to Nicaea and its Creed; Katerina Pekridou (Belgium/ Greece) will speak about communion ecclesiology as developed in contemporary ecumenical theology with the focus on bilateral dialogues; Young Richard Kim (USA) will discuss the Protestant receptions of Nicaea and their ecumenical implications. In addition, papers are invited to this open panel on the following topics: 1) the significance of the First Ecumenical Council for the understanding and practice of synodality and primacy; 2) the importance of the Council's dogmatic and canonical decisions for ecumenical dialogue.