PANEL: Global Catholicism: From Vatican II to the Synod on Synodality
20/05/2024 08:30 - 10:45

Proponent: Faggioli M., Froehle B.

Chair: Faggioli M.

Speaker: Ansorge D., Calleja C., Faggioli M., Feduccia R., Froehle B., George C., Noceti S.

2025 will be a jubilee year and mark 1700 years since the Nicene Creed, that great statement of Catholic unity across the ancient Mediterranean world. Will the Synod on Synodality be a moment of new catholicity? EuARe 2024 takes place in the inter-session period before the second and final Assembly of the Synod on synodality in October 2024. This structure echoes the multiple sessions of the Second Vatican Council sixty years earlier. An unanticipated fruit of that Council is fragmentation within Global Catholicism that has develop as part of a patently messy decentralization process. Bringing the question of synodality to the Synod is a critical moment, all the more since the Synod of Bishops was expressly created by Paul VI to carry forward the work of the Council. What can we learn about Global Catholicism from all this? What developments since the Council have emerged as critical differences between the various particular churches and regions within global Catholicism? What can we learn through comparative study of the different expressions of synodality and the synodal process within Global Catholicism? How does the dynamic of the Synod on synodality speak to broader developments within Global Catholicism and its institutional and theological self-awareness. What underlying sources of tension, theological innovations, and new possibilities are suggested by the synodal process between 2021 and 2024?