PANEL: Navigating the Paradigm Shift: Evolution/revolution and further challenges in Religious Studies scholarship.
21/05/2024 08:30 - 13:15

Proponent: Amore D.S.

Chair: Amore D.S.

Speaker: Alici M., Amore D.S., Badea G., Casadio G., Corrente P., Eneas Costa M.M., Piro P., Romagnoli D.

In the various landscape of religious studies, a profound paradigm shift is underway, challenging traditional approaches and ushering in new perspectives. The postmodern deconstruction of any perspective claiming to possess objective truth has produced an analysis of the relativity, selectivity, and implicit scale of values harboured within interpretive theories of all kinds.
In an era marked by globalization, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, interpreting religion requires a nuanced perspective that considers the intricate interplay between tradition and
modernity. This panel seeks to explore the multifaceted dimensions of this journey, aiming to illuminate the evolving nature of the study of religion.
Presentations will address key themes such as redefined methodologies, interdisciplinary collaborations, and the impact of contemporary socio-cultural dynamics on the study of religion. By
examining case studies and engaging with recent scholarship, the evolution of these dynamics within the SISR (Italian IAHR branch), the ABHR (Brazilian IAHR branch), the TAHR (Turkish IAHR
branch), and any other prospective academic organizations will be examined.
By bringing together diverse perspectives, the panel aims to contribute to an understanding of the paradigm shift in religious studies. Participants will gain insights into the evolving nature of the field,
its challenges, and the opportunities it presents for fostering a more flexible discourse on religion.