PANEL: Empathy as a vehicle of the paradigm shift in religious education of adolescents
20/05/2024 08:30 - 13:15

Proponent: Jeglič U.

Chair: Kompan Erzar K.

Speaker: Jeglič U., Jerebic S., Kompan Erzar K., Mali Kovačič U., Simonič B., Valenta T.

One of the main issues of faith and religiosity transmission in modern society is the issue of the formation of personal faith among young people. The fundamental question is therefore the question of an empathic attitude towards young people and understanding their needs and longing for hope, faith, belonging and freedom.
Another question is whether adults are even capable and willing to look at the period of adolescence through faith and the openness that it brings.
Adolescence is a period in which the adolescent's relationship with adults changes, and at the same time, the development of his connection with his peers also changes. Fundamentally, through these changes, the adolescent's contact with the transcendent, with religion, faith and trust in the adults who shape his environment is transformed. The various kinds of emotional and relationship problems to which there is no easy answer shows up in this period. Different religious and ethnic identities are becoming increasingly visible.
In the process of searching for inner certainty, security and social placement, an empathic attitude towards young people is crucial, and through empathy, also on the development of a grounded practice of bringing religious content to young people in a way that will strengthen their independence and open the way for them to themselves, others, and God.