PANEL: The transnational politics of religious movements: Europe, Turkey, Russia, Africa, United States
22/05/2024 11:00 - 13:15

Proponent: Stoeckl K.

Chair: Stoeckl K.

Speaker: Bunnell A., Cicek H., Driessen M., Stoeckl K.

This open panel invites contributions on the topic of transnational religious movements with a special focus on Europe, Turkey, Russia and the United States. The panel especially invites contributions that expand research on religious actors as transnational norm entrepreneurs beyond Russia and/or beyond the European Christian context. The panel is open to 3 more submissions.
Accepted panelists:
Andrew Bunnell (US): "'The Most Important Thing': Exploring the missionary origin of Pro-Family Political Linkages between Western Evangelicals and the Russian Orthodox Church". This paper explores the historical background, political alliances, global agenda, and funding goals of missionary labor by pro-family groups that have successfully brought far right ideas from obscurity to the forefront of a transnational political and cultural battleground.
Hüseyin Çiçek (Austria): "Turkey's religious geopolitics". Since 2002, the AKP has strategically employed Islam as a tool for international image cultivation, marking a departure from Kemalism in both ideology and politics. This strategy leverages Turkey's Islamic history to position the country as a critical junction between East and West. The declaration of 2005 as the "Year of Africa" by the AKP signified a substantial intensification of Turkey's role as a representative of global Islam and the global Ummah. The paper explores the intricate, hidden, and interconnected factors driving Turkey-Africa relations