21/05/2024 14:15
- 16:30
Loland O.J.
Loland O.J.
Callizo-Romero C.,
Darraidou C.,
Loland O.J.,
Recio Huetos J.,
Ruiz Andrés R.,
Stålsett S.
Rafael Ruiz Andre´s is the author of La secularizacio´n en Espan~a. Rupturas y cambios religiosos desde la sociología histo´rica. The publication from 2022 is arguably the most thorough and comprehensive book on secularization processes in modern Spain since Alfonso Pérez-Agote's Cambio religioso en Espan~a. Los avatares de la secularizacio´n (Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociolo´gicas) from 2012. Ruiz Andrés covers the period from 1898 until 2011 and constitutes a major contribution to the understanding of one of the most fascinating cases of European secularization. In this panel we invite scholars with critical and constructive perspectives on Ruiz Andrés' book, both from comparative angles situated in other national contexts of Europe as well as from viewpoints within Spain.