23/05/2024 14:00
- 17:30
Schmiedel U.
Schmiedel U.
Ehmann M.,
Giorgianni E.,
Hasan F.,
Liberatore G.,
Miranda B.A.,
Napolitano V.,
Romhild R.,
Sabeti S.,
Schmiedel U.,
Slater G.
Migration has stirred up polarized and politicized controversies. This panel aims to analyze the role of religion in these controversies by approaching the category from a postmigrant rather than a migrant angle. The concept of the postmigrant society connects descriptive and prescriptive approaches to the study of migration that together point to a paradigm shift. The premise of the postmigrant society is not that migration is about to end. Instead, migration is interpreted as the "new normal", a constitutive characteristic of contemporary societies that renders the dichotomies between migrants and non-migrants untenable. Closely connected to postcolonial scholarship, studies on the postmigrant society critique reinscriptions of these dichotomies by standard approaches. They invite new terminologies and new theories, reflecting on practices that go beyond categories of inclusion or exclusion. Their critique has epistemological and ethical consequences.
This panel brings together accounts of the role of religion in the postmigrant society. It concentrates on the significance of religion as essentializing and de-essentializing migrant/non-migrant dichotomies in the dynamics that are stirred up by migration in contemporary societies. Calling for a conversation across disciplines, the panel invites experimental and explorative interventions - including normative accounts - from scholars who approach the paradigm of the postmigrant society from contextual or conceptual angles