PANEL: Reflections on Vattimo's Philosophy of Religion
21/05/2024 08:30 - 13:15

Proponent: Geretto M.

Chair: Geretto M.

Speaker: Bubbio P.D., Geretto M., Marino F., Rindone S., Santasilia S., Zawadzki A.

A few months after the death of a thinker who contributed much to contemporary philosophical thought, this series of contributions aims to consider the way in which Gianni Vattimo presented the question of religion starting especially from some famous essays, such as Belief, A Farewell to Truth, Beyond Christianity and the essay co-written with Richard Rorthy The Future of Religion.
Just as, for Vattimo, we must distance ourselves from the myth of an objective truth in favor of a truth understood as the fruit of a common hermeneutics, made up of sharing, dialogue, friendship and a dialectic that does not translate into violent opposition of sentences or doctrines, in the same way, for the philosopher of "weak thought", a new attitude towards religion is more than desirable. Religion, and Christianity in particular, is in fact proposed by Vattimo in its non-metaphysical, non-dogmatic dimension, to the full advantage of a true exercise of love/caritas. What are the limits of such a vision of metaphysics and what are the possible consequences deriving from Vattimo's invitation to the construction of a "non-religious" Christianity?
In the choice of contributions, priority will be given to works that take into account specific aspects of the works cited above, also with a view to a possible future publication that aims to deal with the relationship between metaphysics, truth and violence in Christianity and, in general, in contemporary spirituality.