PANEL: Renewal, Revival, and Reform: Competing and Coinciding Visions of Intellectual and Societal Vibrancy in Islamic Scholarship
23/05/2024 14:00 - 16:15

Proponent: Andrewsen Y.C.

Chair: Andrewsen Y.C.

Speaker: Andrewsen Y.C., Di Donato M., Nizami M., Tawakoli A.

The concept of 'paradigm shift' might suggest of a significant change of perspective. Typically, paradigms and perspectives change based on the introduction of information that conflicts with what was previously held to be true, resulting in an 'epistemological crisis' that requires resolution. If we are to speak of historical cases of paradigm shifts in Islamic history, we must also develop a framework for their analysis that addresses the tension in Muslim scholarship between falling into condemnable innovation (bida) and fulfilling the commendable duty of renewal (tajdid).

In this panel, the tension between trends of renewal (tajdid) and reform (islah) will be explored in relation to "paradigm shift." The central focus will be the role of scholars' conceptions of their position as guardians of tradition being located between the need for conservation and addressing newly arising issues and information. Within this topic, a number of potential questions arise, including but not limited to: Is the notion of paradigmatic 'shift' articulated within the Islamic episteme, or is it even applicable, with a suggestion of fundamental epistemic changes or source changes? What do scholarly works explicitly addressing the terms tajdid, ihya, islah and their corollaries bring to light?