PANEL: Religion-related attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices in mono-, inter- and multi-religious contexts
21/05/2024 12:15 - 16:30

Proponent: Gmoser A., Roggenkamp A., Yagdi S.

Chair: Gmoser A., Roggenkamp A., Yagdi S.

Speaker: Berdowicz E., Gmoser A., Kramer M., Maligot C., Nazarska G., Roggenkamp A., Ryan G., Senel A., Wellems L., Yagdi S.

In our panel we deal with prejudices and stereotypes in mono-, inter- and multi-religious contexts. In
various research contexts, we will analyse, reflect on and discuss attitudes and milieu-specific
behaviours that lead to stereotypes and prejudices. At the centre is the question of their
methodological approaches and description, transmission and pedagogical treatment. One focus of
the research is on the institutionalised education system, another on religious communities, cultural
associations and other social organisations. The aim was to cover as wide a range of perspectives and
religion-related positions as possible. This approach makes it possible to analyse the (reciprocal)
effects between prejudices and stereotypes in different social contexts. In general, it is about the
possibility for actors to take responsibility for a more tolerant and peaceful coexistence in an open