PANEL: Towards a history of post-Vatican II: concurrent periodisations and turning points
22/05/2024 08:30 - 16:30

Proponent: Adorno S., Proietti M.

Chair: Adorno S., Ferracci L., Proietti M.

Speaker: Beentjes S., Cassarà V., Corvo F., De Gregorio L., Dolbeau S., Iarocci I., Kochutara S.G., Loland O.J., Melloni A., Merutiu M., O'Regan E., Rantsya I.

Assuming that it is not possible to establish a priori an undisputed periodization for a "global" history of the post-Vatican II period, it is necessary to consider the topic on a large scale to sift through every possibility. This means that the different issues involved (such as: liturgy, ecumenism, social or political issues, theologies...) may have different chronological extremes of investigation; in fact, one cannot ignore that many post-conciliar dynamics started during the council itself and last until nowadays. At the same time, a large-scale investigation cannot fail to take into account the diversity of geo-ecclesial contexts, which are often difficult to trace back to common instances and chronologies.
For this reason, contributions are sought to identify or propose significant historiographical turning points in the perspective of a historicization of the post-Vatican II and identification of concurrent periodisations. The panel is open to any kind of contribution, without thematic or chronological limitations. Papers may involve one or more of these categories or points of view:
•       Rome: the papacy, the Roman curia and related structures;
•       Local churches: episcopal conferences, diocesan experiences of special interest, local archives;
•       People of God: "bottom-up" instances, ecclesial movements, experiences of small communities, socio-political dynamics.

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Opening Speech

Kochutara S.G. [1] , Melloni A. [2]

Pontifical Athenaeum Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram of Bangalore [1] , FSCIRE [2]
