XVII NIBIT Meeting-Oncology embraces immunology: the way forward

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1479538523206175551342530 108 XVII NIBIT Meeting-Oncology embraces immunology: the way forward http://achelois.onlinecongress.it/NIBITMeeting2019 True False False False Verona Camera di Commercio Auditorium Corso Porta Nuova 10/11/2019 12:00:00 AM 10/13/2019 12:00:00 AM Achelois Srl 02 2643 3989 02 2643 3754 alice.trovato@achelois.eu alice.trovato@achelois.eu Via Olgettina 58 - 20132 Milano IT € 1/11/2010 12:00:00 AM 10/7/2019 11:59:00 PM <div style="text-align:justify"> <br/> this is to confirm that we have received your request of registration to the <b>XVII NIBIT Meeting </b> which will be held in Verona (Italy), from October 11<sup>th</sup> to 13<sup>th</sup>, 2019. <br/> </div> 6/4/2019 11:31:02 AM Style755.css Style755.css 786

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