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Welcome to the FLORETINA ICOOR CONGRESS 2024 Abstract Submission Portal.
Submission deadline: September 30, 2024.
The notification of acceptance or rejection of your submitted abstract will be sent to you by e-mail by November 15, 2024. 

Abstract submission
Your abstract must be submitted online on this platform.
To submit your abstract, you must have an account created on this platform.
The account will allow you to access all your created/submitted abstracts, learn about their status (accepted/rejected).

If you don't have an account on this platform yet, please visit "Create Account" section of this portal. Once all the mandatory sections are filled, the system will automatically generate your username and password.

If you already have your username and password, you may proceed and log-in to your account.

Forgot your password? Please visit "Forgot Password" section of this portal.