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III IULTCS EuroCongress Vicenza 2022 Rinascimento: The Next Leather Generation

Welcome to the online abstract submission form for the " III IULTCS EuroCongress Vicenza 2022 Rinascimento: The Next Leather Generation Vicenza , 18th-20th September 2022, Italy".

Please note that abstracts will only be accepted through this online procedure. Abstracts sent via e-mail or fax will not be accepted.

All abstracts must be submitted by February 28, 2022 .

Official language: English.

Authors should select "New User" to begin the process of registering and to access to the submission procedure. After the registration, all authors will receive an email with username and password that they need for the next steps.
An e-mail confirming the correct submission of the abstract will be sent to the CONTACT PERSON.

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